I have been absent for quite some time from my blog! There has been an awful lot going on in my life lately and I just cannot keep up everything! So this unfortunatley was the first to go.
~We sold our house in Oct.
~Moved out in Nov.
~Renivating a home that we are living in for some good friends.
~Trying to buy a short sale
~Not to mention a birthday, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's, driving my kids back and forth to their school and lessons about 3-5 times a day!
Renivating this house has been a fun project.
And we have been very lucky to have had the chance to stay here.
It has been a ton of work, but very fun to see the change that a little paint and curtains can do!
Here are some before and after pictures of the house!
Here is a Before of the entry.
This picture is bad lighting.
This picture is bad lighting.
Notice the Taupe paint on the bottom walls,
the light pink on the bottom.
The Super Grany light!
the light pink on the bottom.
The Super Grany light!
A little paint, a little light,
decorations! Bye Bye Grany!
Tomorrow I will post the Living Room!
Wow! I've been looking through all your posts and I am impressed! Everything I see - I like. Great work. You asked about cleaning my sofas- I got the 5 year protection agreement so if they ever get stained and I can't get it out...the slipcovers get replaced! It was a little extra but totally worth it.